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Are You At Risk For Falls and Ultimately, Fall-Related Injuries?

Are You At Risk For Falls and Ultimately, Fall-Related Injuries?
Are You At Risk For Falls and Ultimately, Fall-Related Injuries? By Biagio Mazza The first thing we're going to talk about with respect to falls is really what is your risk for falls, and what are the risk factors that people have for falls. The unfortunate thing is that one of every three Americans over the age of 65 fall each year... And there's a high percentage of those that it becomes a fall that has an injury to it and unfortunately the series of events that occur with falls can b...
Posted on 2019-01-25

Fall Risk Awareness & Prevention: Sit To Stand Self Test

Fall Risk Awareness & Prevention: Sit To Stand Self Test
ASSESS YOUR FALL RISK WITH A 30 SECOND SIT-TO-STAND SELF TEST By Biagio Mazza So, what are some easy self-tests that you can do to assess your fall risk? One of our favorites is a 30-second sit-to-stand test. What you're gonna do is your gonna find a chair. You're not allowed to use the arms on here. You have to cross your hands across so you're not pushing off your legs or off the chair. As fast as you can for 30 seconds, you are goning to come up and down. You must touch your rear en...
Posted on 2018-09-26

Fall Risk Awareness: Fall Risk Factors To Consider

Fall Risk Awareness: Fall Risk Factors To Consider
ARE YOU AT RISK FOR FALLS? By Biagio Mazza One of every three Americans over the age of 65 fall each year... ...and there's a high percentage of those that it becomes a fall that has an injury to it, and unfortunately, the series of events that occur with falls can be catastrophic. It's not the case for every single fall, obviously, but it still is a huge issue in the United States. Falls can be prevented by looking at what your risk for falls might be. So what risk factors might be...
Posted on 2018-09-17
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